BTS Ambil 5 Penghargaan di Golden Disk Awards 2023, J-Hope Sampaikan Hal ini

- 8 Januari 2023, 09:44 WIB
J-Hope menghadiri Golden Disk Awards 2023, mewakili anggota BTS yang tidak hadir.
J-Hope menghadiri Golden Disk Awards 2023, mewakili anggota BTS yang tidak hadir. /

2. Best Album - Proof

3. TikTok Golden Disc Popularity Award

4. Best Digital Song Bonsang - PSY 'That That' (feat. Suga BTS)

5. Album of the Year - Proof

J-Hope memberikan pidato kemenangannya, mewakili anggota-anggota dari BTS yang berhalangan hadir saat itu.

Baca Juga: Pendaftaran Program Magang Kampus Merdeka 2023 Dibuka, Berikut Persyaratan dan Linknya

"Army, as a member of BTS, I've come to say a few words as I accept this award. It makes me really feel respect for our leader friend, RM. Thinking of the past 10 years with each album and album with each song and song, I felt how precious they all were," ujar J-Hope yang telah diterjemahkan oleh kanal YouTube JoseOchoaTV.

J-Hope juga mengaku bahwa setelah sekian lama, anggota BTS dapat berkumpul bersama, menjadikan hal ini sebagai momen yang sangat baik dan membahagiakan.

"Yesterday, the BTS members, except Jin who is in the military, got together to have a drink. We got together for the first time in a while and we couldn't have been happier. It was really really great and we were really happy," lanjut J-Hope.

Baca Juga: Tulus Tur Manusia 2023 Digelar di 11 Kota, Berikut Jadwal dan Link Pembelian Tiketnya!


Editor: Nurhendra Wibowo

Sumber: YouTube



